Kimberley IT Consulting & Services
Do you know this sound ?   


I remember hooking my laptop up to the phone line in the hotel room in Darwin and dialing into the Melbourne office . This was the sound of a modem connection to the work network and later became the sound of the internet. Today it is all quiet.

It was slow but I could download emails and surf this NEW thing called the Internet. It was amazing although connecting to the service, entering a token and retrieving emails took around 20 minutes, if it worked at all.

Today, devices are connected to WI-FI while many will have a SIM card or e-SIM. We expect our emails to be there along with messages, notifications, social media, games and a myriad of other applications to provide information, services and products to our door steps. If the network is done .... life seems to stop for many and anxiety increases.

For some of us, this new world is a breeze while for others it can be overwhelming.

I built my first websites in 2000 and later in 2002, I created a site to document and support Wayne Clayton's journey across Australia by hitchhiking with a caravan from Perth to Melbourne. Since then, I have built and manitained business informational websites, online stores and assisted clients clients to improve a user's experience, their google presence, online advertising/marketing and build web services.

When I first started to develop web applications, flip phones were modern and web pages were only accesable using a browser on a PC or Laptop.

Since 2007 when the first iPhone was released and smartphones began to rapidly evolve and today's mobile phones, tablets and laptops were not even a dream.

Today, websites and Cloud based applications are expected to run on any device. Some do and some don't!

Many folks know me here in Broome through my two successful businesses Pearly Whites Dental and Pearl Coast Jewellery.

Pearl Cosst JewelleryPearl Coast Jewellery was born from my love of gemstones. I learnt to cut and shape my first gemstone when I was around 10 years old. This hobby provided an income while my family and I were "living the dream" traveling Australia for around 2 years and then later in Broome and Queensland. I  still get the opportunity to cut the occasional opal or other valuable gem and set them in gold or silver. My Broome business Pearl Coast Jewellery where I designed and fashioned beautiful handmade gold and silver jewellery while incorporating my hand cut gemstones, Australian pearls and Argyl diamonds. I developed long lasting relationships with my clients who come back time after time looking to see what's new and most importantly have a chat.

Pearly Whites DentalPearly Whites Dental was challenging. I managed everything including Inception, Budgeting, Business Case and Finance Acquisition, Construction and subsequently growing a thriving and successful business. The approved budget was roughly 25% of that expected for a similar 2 surgery Perth practice that included the highest tech dental equipment outside of Perth in the private practice . Even though my business case demonstrated its feasibility and potential for success, the Bank placed it into the high risk list. I leveraged 20 years of experience to bring this project in on both budget and schedule while delivering a robust and high performing technical environment and a business built on customer focused processes and impeccable service.     

Prior 1992, Swinburne Institute of Technology "In the beginning ... ", I earned my Bachelor of Applied Science with Mathematics and Computer science majors from Swinburne. Today's world of computing and information technology today was unimaginable then. We had IBM compatible desktop computers, Prime Computers and mainframes whom computational power and storage is a very small fraction of what is found in a mobile phone or even today's smart watches.

Having worked for a year as a sandwich student at BHP Petroleum during my 2nd and 3rd years at Swinburne, I was offered several positions by BHP Petroleum and accepted a job as an analyst/programmer (Oracle database) across most of their financial, forecasting, exploration and geological/geophysical systems. What an experience!

After many years in BHP Petroleum, I moved into BHP IT and continued as a Business / Systems Analyst and developed into a Solution Architect and Technical Lead. I worked on a vast and diverse array of systems across transport, minerals, steel, telecom and local government. During this time, I enhanced my software development experience and learnt about distributed systems, architecture, networks and most importantly what worked and what didn't! I found that the "didn'ts" taught me the most. I saw how easy it is for budgets to blow out and clients not having their expectations met.

Rational SoftwareI joined Rational Software in 1998 as a Software Engineering Specialist where I was able to leverage my experience and assist customers to deploy best practice methods and tools in a rigorous but flexible deployment framework. I soon found myself working with customers beyond just software/systems development and found myself venturing into organizational change from the perspective of deploying software development methods and tools.

IBM Rational SoftwareRational joined the IBM brand a few years later and I found myself working with Government Ministers, Directors, senior management in compliance, strategy, business re-engineering and process automation.

With changed family priorities, I bit the bullet and left IBM to travel Australia, and that is how we arrived in Broome after living in a Caravan with the wife and 4 young children for a few years! Lived the dream.

I rely on my experience everyday and I have continually developed and expanded my skills with real-world experience by  running my own business, improving processes, supporting technology infrastructure and system  and taking on new roles and processes in Administration and Management. I have kept my skills up to date with various courses covering modern Languages, Techniques and modern topics like Cyber Security.    I now have added to my experience with Health Care and Major Retail, two areas I had previously had little exposure. Along with major corporations, government, medium and small business, I now have an excellent understanding of their processes, challenges and approaches to identifying solutions and improving business outcomes.

If you are interested to know more, download a recent copy of my abbreviated  CV , send me an Email or give me a call


Glen Tattersall

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